What can we do for you?

From a startup, to a full re-brand, we have the skills and services for any application you may need. Check out what we can do for you below.


We understand that for a start-up business, sometimes it can be daunting to come up with a complete online and branding presence. Logo, Website, a charming sign for your “Brick & Mortar” store, Social Media, Youtube, SEO, Marketing Plan, etc; you don’t have the time for that! Well, we do… that’s why we’re here. We can work with you to come up with a turn-key solution for your new business. We understand that every business and every story is unique, so let’s work together to come up with a customized approach to be sure that YOUR story is told the way you want, to the people you want to tell it to.


If your business isn’t online, it needs to be. If it’s online, but your web traffic is low, or your website was created in 1999 and you haven’t changed anything, you aren’t allowing your brand to reach its full potential. we can tweak or completely redesign your website to make it relevant to 2020, and allow it to break through the noise and clutter of the online world. If you’re creating a new site, or tweaking an existing one, we highly suggest you check out our SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services as well (featured below).


Uhh… wut? If you don’t know what this is, you’re not alone. SEO (or Search Engine Optimization) allows random searches on Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask Jeeves (anyone? anyone?) or anywhere people are searching for web pages to find YOU amidst a sea of subpar websites. I could sit here and explain how it all works if you have several hours, or you could let us handle it for you so that Google knows that YOUR business is the most important, and will show up on the first page of search results so people can see your awesome site.


Let’s be honest. Pretty much everyone has social media in 2020, and if your small business isn’t on it, or doesn’t have a good presence, you’re leaving money on the table. Thousands of people find new products and businesses on social media everyday, through targeted ads, keywords, promotions, crafted giveaways, etc. Let us help you form your social media plan, show you some best practices, and hey - we can even generate content and posts for you! Let us know what your goals are, and we’ll be sure to exceed them.


If you have tried to come up with a logo for your company, but don’t really know where to start, that’s ok. Logo design can be tricky, that’s why we work with multiple graphic designers to get the exact logo you are looking for. If we send you some ideas and you don’t like any of them, we’ll go back to the drawing board until you have a logo that fits your business, story, and personality. We can even take that logo and create a custom sign or décor piece for your shop; just let us know what you want, and we’ll make it happen.


Let’s say that you already have a website, a logo, a social media plan, and things are pretty good, but you suspect they could be better. We can come alongside the plan you already have, and give some pointers and make some slight adjustments to get you moving towards that next level. Think of it as a chiropractor, but for your business; just a small adjustment can make all the difference.


Do you have an idea for a video? Do you need to create content that can drive more business or interest in a product or service? We are here to help. We have created videos for people just like you. From interviews or creative pieces, to editing pre-existing content, at Acadia Creative Services we can take the idea in your head, product it, and get it in front of thousands of people. Let us know what you have in mind for your next project, and we’ll make sure it’s better than you can even dream it.


Do you need product photography? headshots? content for your website or social media? photos of a new business location? Just a nice quaint family photo that you have put off for way too long? We shoot with state of the art cameras and equipment and can produce any images or content that you can think of (seriously, we’ve seen it all). Let us know what you have in mind and we will be sure to make it look the best it can. photos and content are everything nowadays, so don’t miss opportunity by posting low-quality images to your website or social media.


If you have a brick & mortar store, did you know that a catchy, charming, appealing storefront sign can be the difference between landing a new customer, and having someone pass by? They always say, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover,” but in this competitive business climate, unfortunately that is happening more and more. Don’t let people walk past, have us design and create the perfect sign and décor for your business. We can also help with the look and feel of your space, as well as design packaging or art pieces to display your most precious merchandise.