Who we are, and why we do what we do


Taylor Valarik

Taylor is an MDI Native, for those of you that… actually, sorry… I’m not going to do one of those “third person” intro things… I think it’s weird. ok, starting over… Hello friends, my name is Taylor, and I grew up on MDI. For those that don’t know what “MDI” is, it stands for Mount Desert Island, and is home to some of the most beautiful landscapes and people in the country, as well as Acadia National Park. Growing up on an island off the coast of Maine was definitely a unique experience, and honestly, I hated it when I was young. Everything closes down in the winter, it’s 4 degrees all the time and if you don’t enjoy hiking, you’re pretty much out of luck.

I went to University in Ohio to study Mechanical Engineering, which later turned into Audio Engineering, which is almost like Mechanical Engineering, but with more hipsters and less pleated khakis. I toured with a band in school and was able to travel to dozens of states and play music in front of thousands of people, which was a really cool thing. Also, I met my wife Rachel who was in the band with me, and is my favorite person in this world. We now have a son named Johnny, a daughter named Rose, and have been married for almost 10 years.

Fast forward to now. I have held several different positions in the professional workplace including “Producer,” “Operations Manager,” “Marketing & Digital Media Manager,” “Web Creator,” “Creative Director…” you get the idea. Several years ago, I started a business with my family and we really needed a website, design work, social media, search engine optimization, marketing, branding, etc., and I said, hey, I can handle that (as I already did many of those tasks for my career). I have built the online, social media, search engine, and marketing presence from the ground up. Since then I have helped dozens of others be successful in similar areas. It’s what I do.

Acadia Creative exists to help tell the unique story of each business & brand we represent, and bring that story to life. From building an online presence, to increasing search results, branding and social media, signage, and so much more; Acadia creative is here to help you be successful and tell your story to the world. We treat your business, your “baby,” as our own, and will not rest until you are satisfied with our work.